Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Point Lobos - Carmel

Carmel very much deserves to be called "Carmel-by-the-sea." 

The beach was gorgeous, pristine, and full of children braving the water enthusiastically.

We finally made it to Point Lobos, the most beautiful  meeting of land and sea in the world (according to Nick's grandparents' guidebook).

We combed through tide pools full of anenomes....

...saw an otter (we think), sea lions at a distance, two deer grazing...

.....and this tiny fish. 

It was the perfect day for a sandwich. 

And so we had four. 

 Nick let me go around the whole park, until (exhausted), we sat on a bench and just looked and looked and looked. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

De Young

We found another lovely spot above San Francisco this weekend at the De Young Museum's observation tower, after a run in Golden Gate Park. The tower is free, and boasts a tremendous 360 view of the city.

It's an easier climb to the 9th floor (100% elevator ride) than to the top of Twin Peaks...

...which is lucky for tired feet.