Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Puerto Vallarta

We were in Puerto Vallarta for a few days ahead of a yoga retreat at Xinalani Resort.

Things were low key in Puerto Vallarta, save for our airline's initial inability to land its plane in PVA. Problem solved about four hours later, after a landing in Mazatlan.

We were a block from Playa de los Muertos, in Zona Romantica.
We swam upon arrival at 11 pm or so, and every day after that. The beach was lovely, the pelicans were large, and the cheesy honeymoon drinks were delicious. 

We took a bus out of town out to the Botanical Gardens, which were amazing. We got drenched with rain, but dried off over lunch watching loads of neon-hued hummingbirds swarm a feeder. 

We liked the town of Puerto Vallarta, but it was hard to sit in the square without some kind of sales pitch occurring. 

And we loved our cosy little condo, which felt like it was in the middle of a garden.

There were lovely sunsets, when the rain storms weren't too busy!

And we were cozily inside when the rain storms turned to thunder storms....playing gin.  

And then we took a boat to secluded and beautiful Xinalani, for a week in the jungle. The hillsides below Puerto Vallarta are unbelievably beautiful. Here is our cabin (no photos of our lizard and crab friends who shared it with us). 

And here is our beach. 

And here is our dinner. 

And here is our lunch. 

Not bad.

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