Sunday, February 2, 2014

Christmas in Italy: Rome in pictures

We tried out our pizza skills.... 

...our yoga poses... 

...and our honesty. 

We ran on the Appian way almost every day. And down by the river. And around Circus Maximus,and up to orange-grove garden views of the city on the Aventine Hill.

We looked up. And up, and up again. At the ceiling of the Pantheon at freezing-cold midnight mass....

At looming buildings and columns and obelisks of all descriptions (here is St. Giovanni, near our apartment. Lots of popes hanging out on the roof)....

At lights on Via del Corso... meat displays....

And (sometimes) at oddly-placed door knockers....

The excitement was a lot to handle.

We found wrong churches, Christmas organ recitals, hidden squares....

....and favorite frescoes, populated with sea monsters.

We gawked lazily at vistas of the city, glad to take a rest.

  There were other vistas, too. Here, of pastries.

And here, of pastas....

Merry (late) Christmas!

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