Friday, September 19, 2014

The Atlantis Aquarium

Legend has it that, when building the Dubai Palm, workers uncovered a lost city. To a city crowded with delusion-prone imaginations and eager to realize the most extravagant childhood dreams ("let's build the tallest, shiniest tower we can!"), underwater ruins could only mean one thing: Atlantis.

And so the grand hotel at the end of the Palm is called the Atlantis. And the fancy aquarium within it is Atlantis-themed, with a confusing array of unspecified fish and jellies drifting through fake ruins. In between the tanks, designers have interspersed rooms full of mist, fog, mystifying sculptures, and fountains.

Were we confused? Why, yes. Not having read up on the fake history we were encountering, we were occasionally at a loss. But we were also pretty happy. Why? It's summer here, and it's cold in the aquarium. Crazy cold.

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