Monday, June 11, 2012

Brentwood Fruit Picking

For two people who love fruit as much as we do, this trip was long overdue. It turns out that going to Brentwood, CA is rather like going to Napa or Sonoma, with fruit subbed in for wine. The orchards have clubbed together just as the wineries have up north, with a free map geared to steer you from orchard to orchard. And if you run out of steam picking, there are fruit stands everywhere -- we brought home mulberries, blueberries, and onions.

Orchards are friendly to pickers who like to eat while they pick (which my parents and most U-Pick strawberry places I've seen certainly are not). So we strolled among the cherry trees at Nunn Family Farms, sampling tree after tree until we found the perfect tree. And then we found another perfect tree, and another, and another. The abundance...of cherries, of trees full of cherries, of toddlers running down fallen cherries...was unbelievable.

Round two was apricots, where we had a few Seinfeld moments ("Not like the risotto, George") as we ate apricots warm from the sun. It was like eating molten jam, and it was good.

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