Saturday, September 14, 2013

Abu Dhabi, take one

We made it to Abu Dhabi! I think we both expected to be met by an absolute wall of heat, and are now relieved that we can, in fact, walk around outside without severe effect. (The occasional lack of sidewalks, though, poses a slight hindrance.) We even went running both mornings since arrival - down a trail by the gulf for bikers and walkers. And we are on our way to a track group workout tonight that meets near our hotel.

I'm looking out the window as I write, across to a seven star hotel, which apparently has a solid gold ATM inside. We tried to go over for a drink, but were deterred because Nick was wearing shorts. We will be back. 

The biggest culture shock for both of us so far was our first grocery trip, where we (very jet-lagged) stumbled into a Waitrose, stocked up on groceries, and went all the way through the checkout, before realizing we'd both forgotten our wallets. The manager printed out our receipt, sent us home with our groceries, and told us to come back the next day. Now everyone in the store knows us when we go in....

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