Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Corniche - biking, running, and playing

One of the most wonderful things about our new city is the Corniche, a strip of land along the waterfront that's grassy and beautiful, planted with flowers and trees. Most importantly, there is a continuous path along it that goes, uninterrupted by the busy and occasionally lethal Abu Dhabi traffic, for 5+ miles. And they are beautiful miles.

On Friday night, we rented bikes and biked along the whole thing. (On Saturday, we got braver, and ran the same route.)

Taking breaks occasionally to look at the view, which keeps changing. Here is Nick, with a peculiar kind of hat.

The best and the worst thing about the Corniche at night is that EVERYONE is on it. Nights in Abu Dhabi are particularly beautiful, and near sun down, the Corniche begins to feel like a massive party. Kids are weaving around on their bikes. Ladies are walking together and chatting. People are out variously picnicking, stretching, playing soccer, sitting on benches and gazing at the view, running, and searching fervently for ice cream. In places, it feels like mayhem. But it is a very happy and communal mayhem, and it's nice to be a part of it.

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