Sunday, October 27, 2013

Abu Dhabi - NYU Lectures

So far, we have been to two lectures at NYU Abu Dhabi - one on dark matter, and another on coral reefs. Upcoming are lectures on the consequences of sheesha (more commonly known as hookah in the US, and a huge deal here - people are used to getting sheesha and coffee together as a way of being social, though apparently the health effects are quite dire) and Arabic culture in 1967 and now.

The interesting thing about the lectures is the audience it draws - everyone from NYU seems to be in attendance from across departments, students and faculty alike. As a result, the lectures are pitched to a general audience, and seem more summary-oriented than research-driven.

We're not complaining - we know very little other than what our friend Guan has told us about dark matter, and we're pretty sure there were some inaccuracies in what he said, anyway (gladiators fighting with infinitely hard swords just don't seem to come into the equation in other accounts, we find).

And anyway, we really ought not to complain: look at the post-lecture food! We're not in Berkeley any more.

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