Thursday, November 21, 2013

Abu Dhabi Rain

Nick's presence must be having a bigger effect on Abu Dhabi than we'd thought. The sky this morning looked respectably Washingtonian when we woke up - a huge change from the unrelenting sunshine we've been enjoying.

Lightning flashed...twice. And then catastrophe struck. It began to rain. In Abu Dhabi.

Last week, we felt about three drops of rain on an unusually gusty evening, and thought we had experienced Abu Dhabi rain in full force. But this was real rain, persistent rain, rain that trickled down our windows all morning long.

Though we couldn't hear the sound of the rain on the roof (a Bangladeshi cab driver once told me how much he misses that sound), the feeling of being inside on a legitimately rainy day was immensely satisfying.

Abu Dhabi children would likely agree - school was cancelled for the day! 

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