Thursday, November 28, 2013

Heritage Village

Heritage Village is a free museum aiming to preserve traditional Bedouin crafts, and it's a lovely walk from our apartment along the waterfront. Why haven't we been yet? We aren't sure either. 

Perhaps it was the uncompelling signage that kept us away.

But we're glad we went in. We saw a camel....always a welcome sign to us...

...and a whole collection of swords. (In our endeavors towards furnishing our house, we've seen a lot of arms of various sorts prominently displayed on walls in people's houses. We have yet to buy any.)

There are boats being built...

...and pitchers for coffee (called Dallah, we think) being hammered. There are fewer and fewer people able to make the traditional Arabian pitchers, which require extensive handiwork for traditional shapes and patterns.

There was a room full of beautiful glass...

We especially liked the glass-animal bedecked perfume dispensers.

And there was a beautiful view of the Abu Dhabi skyline on a beautiful fall night. . 

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