Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sri Lanka: Adam's Peak

No one knows whose idea it was. We can all agree that 5.30 am found us on top of Adam's Peak, craning our necks in the cold, just before dawn, struggling to see the sun rise through the clouds. 

We had been climbing since 2 am -- pulling ourselves up steep stairs, past little old ladies climbing barefoot, past giant teddy bears for sale (to locals, we think), climbing up and up and up until we reached Adam's Peak's needle-like top, where the climbing began in earnest, and where we felt as if we were perched precarious on the world's edge.

The world's edge happened to be a little cloudy. And a little cold. Poor Nick was especially cold.

So despite our dutiful climb up for sunrise, we have to say that the views on the way down were far more exciting than our glimpse of dawn at the top.

To top it off, there were monkeys! 

We watched for a while...

...but we couldn't stay to chat. A well-deserved breakfast was waiting. 

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