Saturday, March 28, 2015

Food Truck Festival

Every year, Abu Dhabi has a food festival. This usually entails fancy chefs from around the world doubling their prices, and sending their underlings for a series of demos and shows. This year, a somewhat more interesting concept popped up: a food truck festival.  

Interesting, if only because Abu Dhabi only recently got its first food truck, which had been heavily featured the week before at an Emirati food festival, where our friend Julien famously ordered himself some food.

How to host a food truck festival without food trucks? Never fear. In Abu Dhabi, solutions to such piddling problems come (too) easily. Intrepid event planners brought in food trucks from around the world for a three week tour of its cities.  Trucks, staff, supplies, owners, and all.

The most exciting place we tried was a London truck selling "Bracos," i.e. British tacos, little bites with grilled halloumi, blackberry salsa, and slaw.  

It didn't touch the greatest food truck, but it did hit the spot. 

As night fell, and the festival's lights began to glow, we couldn't help but think of Lake Merritt....another beautiful spot, where food truck festivals make slightly better sense.

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