Tuesday, March 10, 2015

More Japiur

Jaipur is nothing if not pink....

...and bustling.

But we did find one glowingly golden place, Jantar Mantar, a collection of sun dials and astrological inventions created by a Rajput king in the eighteenth century at the tail end of the Mughal period. 

One massive sundial, accurate to within two seconds, dominates the courtyard. Alongside it, smaller creations abound -- little dials for each astrological sign....

... an elaborate and somewhat mysterious astrological instrument that represents the whole night sky in two beautiful, complementary basins.

Stray off to a corner, and you'll find trees bouncing with monkeys trading branches.

Wander into the street, and you'll find that every last shop owner has something to say to you. "Please, come inside!" they'll urge. "This is the best place for cloth/fabric/jewels/spices."

Even the tuk tuks have love advice to offer. 

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